Life story
May 22, 1934
Born Ethel Audrey Whiteman in Wimbledon, England
June 4, 1955
Married Francis Andrew Jordan in Wimbledon, England
April 25, 1956
Andrew Francis born In England
August 21, 1957
David William born at Castle Air Force Base in Atwater, California
July 5, 1961
Richard Dean born in Swindon, England
August 9, 1977
First Grandson Jason Rose born to Rich
July 23, 1983
Corey Allan born to Rich and Laura at LeMoore Air Force Base in California
December 20, 1985
Nicole Ann Born to Rich and Laura (Seward) in Aurora, Illinois
February 5, 1999
Alexandria Nicole born to Rich and Laura in Aurora, Illinois
June 6, 2004
Passed away at home in Yorkville, Illinois
October 5, 2004
Great-Grandaughter Aaliyah Rayne born to Nicole
January 26, 2009
Great-Grandson Elijah Francis born to Corey and Megan Lynn Campbell
January 6, 2011
Great-Grandaughter Sophia Lynn born to Corey and Alysha Morrall
May 15, 2014
Great-grandaughter Kemma Jean born to Nicole and Jeremie Scents